I'm Lye, a multimedia illustrator and designer based in Eugene, OR.
Fascinated by organic processes, systems, and design languages; the art I make is born from taxonomy, herbal medicine, and the occult. Creatures merge together and organic material integrates with digital interfaces as I try to make sense of the worlds I sit between.
I found that I was incredibly interested in mapping the paths you can take through the endless web of Wikipedia links, so I started drawing a Wendigo and opened up the corresponding Wiki page. From there, I would periodically click on an interesting link and incorporate it into the drawing. From start to finish there are more than 40 embedded articles.
2011 | illustration
Wendigo Devours Wikipedia
watercolor, ink on polypropylene
22" × 30"
student's choice, Art Expo 2010 exhibitor, nth Gallery Halloween 2011 Group Show
While researching a topic for a sociology essay, I got sucked into Wikipedia link after link until I ended up on a page for a Wendigo, an Algonquian mythical creature that would possess people and turn them into cannibals. I had no idea how I got to this page.
I found that I was incredibly interested in mapping the paths you can take through the endless web of Wikipedia links, so I started drawing a Wendigo and opened up the corresponding Wiki page. From there, I would periodically click on an interesting link and incorporate it into the drawing. From start to finish there are more than 40 embedded articles.